Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Selling Poor Steven Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Selling Poor Steven - Essay Example Many others, however, bought slaves for the same reason that white men did, which was to make a profit. This was done as a form of assimilation in a mistrustful social atmosphere (186). Slavery for freed black men was a different affair from the slavery invoked by white men. Black slaveowners bought family members as slaves to protect them and to free them a few years later. Similarly, black slaveowners would marry a slave, start a family, and then offer to purchase them from the original slaveowner. After the black slaveowner bought his family, he would free them. However, being able to buy and sell family members also had its downsides, being used as more of a threat if a family member were to get out of line or misbehave. All the same, freed black men were able to use their power to own slaves for humanitarian purposes, bringing an end to slavery for many others. Then there were the black slaveowners that treated their slaves no differently than white slaveowners treated their own . Black slaveowners still exploited the people that were lesser than them, regardless of having the same skin color. This caused great mistrust between slaves and freed black men alike. It was assumed that these prior slaves would understand what it felt like to be slaves to cruel and vicious people, which would prompt them to treat their own slaves with kindness and respect. This, however, was not always the case, and not all of the slaves were treated with compassion (192). A journal left by black slaveowner William Johnson revealed a resentment towards white slaveowners, but also revealed the need to fit in among them, which is why slaves were treated as they were by black slaveowners. â€Å"The story of black slaveowners gives powerful evidence that slavery was just as complex an institution for them [...] as it was for whites (192).† When the Civil War approached, life became difficult for slaveowners of all color. When the Emancipation Proclamation was signed and implem ented in 1863, which freed all slaves, every slaveowner had something bad to say about it. Even the black slaveowners who bought their families for protection were unhappy at the thought of losing their servants despite the reason they had boughten them to begin with. Though the concept of black slaveowners was short lived, it still caused a great impact on the institution of slavery while it lasted. The purpose of Philip Burnham’s article is to show the many reasons that black slaveowners kept slaves in comparison to the reasons that white men kept slaves, all of which were previously stated. Burnham uses historical evidence, such as journals kept by black slaveowners and records about which slaveowners bought which slaves, to support his thesis. Also included were snippets from some of the wills of these slaveowners, which often mentioned the freeing of their slaves after the death of the owner. Or, if slaves were to be passed on to family, some of the wills declared that t he slaves must be treated kindly and released after a certain amount of years. Some of the information provided by Burnham may have been simply assumptions, but they were still backed up by the historical facts and documents that were left by others. Burnham proved his theory to my satisfaction, and I agree with his statements as to the conditions and reasons that black slaveowners bought slaves. Newly made black slaveowners

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Origins of Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Origins of Nursing - Research Paper Example When the same person is not in a position to carry out these activities owing to illness, and there comes someone who can assist this person in performing the activities which aid in the person’s recovery or a peaceful death, then that is nursing. The International Council of Nurses defines nursing as â€Å"to assist an individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or to its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge, and to do this in such a way as to help in gaining independence as rapidly as possible† (Baly 51). Nursing has been a profession to many old and young people across generations and nations. In addition, it is viewed to be among the oldest humanitarian services (Baly 177). Scientifically, nursing is a body on its own, and not only is it a science but also an art, providing skillful health care to patients in a way that enhances the general relati onships between the patient, family and the nurses (Pavey 59). From a direct point of view, nursing deals with illness prevention and ensuring of quality health standards. From a wider point of view, nursing does not just concern itself with care of the sick and ageing, but it is also concerned with the conservation of good health practices and prevention of medical disorders. The artistry of nursing is likened to the care mothers gave to their families in ancient homes. It is believed that this art has been modeled over time into modern nursing that is skilled and a science that is well-organized. It is evident that nursing has undergone numerous changes across centuries and continents. A study conducted on nursing will highlight the problems faced in the past, the solution to those problems and how nursing has evolved despite the various obstacles. Traditionally, when a mother took tender care of her sick young one, it was a sign of nursing. Along with these natural abilities that include mercy, love and kindness (humanitarianism), special training combined with suitable experience and self-sacrifice, a nursing profession has been created. Archaic Nursing. Many myths have been created, many tunes have been composed, and a handful of findings have been made about pre-historic human’s care for the sick. In the ancient African setting, it was believed that illness was as a result of evil spirits (Nutting and Dock 44). To get rid of the evil spirit, traditional medicines were administered, drums beaten and magic rites performed so as to frighten away the spirits. The treatment done to the body was aimed at getting rid of these evil spirits. Other forms of traditional treatment include massage, bone setting as well as hot and warm/hot births etc. In this case, the doctor or the nurse was the medicine man, the witch doctor or the priest physician. Nursing in Ancient Egypt. Egypt has been known to be one of the key contributors of ancient discoveries. Accord ing to Nutting and Dock (24), nursing is one of them, and its origin has been associated with the Egyptians who viewed medicine to have its origin in divinity. Egypt holds home to one of the oldest records of medicine dating way back to 1600 B.C. (Pavey 86). Numerous medical sources, illustration of diseases and their associated treatments, surgery and medicine used are found in Hieroglyphic writings on papyrus which are in the temples of pre-historic Egypt and from the Pyramids.